„By means of my works I try to invite the viewers to take a plunge into another, to him maybe unknown world; I want to provoke, demonstrate and to challenge long existing structures„
Ausstellung in Neuenburg, 19.10.2024 – 16.11.2024
Mit Freude informiere ich euch über meine nächste Ausstellung in Neuchâtel. Im Rahmen einer Gruppenausstellung zeige ich eine Auswahl aus der Serie „BIPOLAR„. Die Ausstellung ist in Neuenburg verteilt, es nehmen 20 Künstler teil. Ich freue mich über Ihren Besuch. Mehr zur Ausstellung erfahren Sie hier -> https://neuchatel.arty-show.ch/
Aktuelle Arbeiten / Current work
DEUTSCH: Ich entschuldige mich für die ausbleibenden Updates. Ich baue seit geraumer Zeit einen sich immer mehr wachsenden Nebenerwerb auf. Ich biete kleinere Videoproduktionen mit Schwergewicht auf Drohnenaufnahmen an. FILMLIKEABIRD.CH Die Kunst möchte ich aber keines falls vernachlässigen (!), so arbeite ich im stillen an meiner Serie „Tief(T)raum weiter. Neu dazugekommen arbeite ich an einer …
Deutsch: Einige Eindrücke der Vernissage vom 20. Oktober 2022 der Ausstellung „beyond-the-anthropocene“ in der Klinik La Prairie in Madrid, Spanien. English: Some impressions of the vernissage on October 20, 2022 of the exhibition „beyond-the-anthropocene“ in the La Prairie Clinic in Madrid, Spain.
Forgotten a long time ago. Still, time left its mark. Manifested in a memory, in a story, in an image. In the spotlight: decay – and the atmosphere. Staged by light. Unreal, touching…
Social criticism overlayed by color. Actuall topics as content. Repulsive and delight likewise. staged threatening and mitigated with…
Subject is the everyday (the mundane), the banal, the absurd, insect-bark as protagonists. A short text asks questions, may induce reflection. Or maybe just a smile…
Reduced to a bare minimum, instantaneously and authentic. No digital/analog post processing, no aperture and no precisely controllable shutter speed…
The Works are arisen from the subconsciousness, from a state of a waking dream, spontaneous inspirations/Images during…
Drawings / Paintings
The basis of the drawings are my photographs. It is my attempt to find the matching line for each motive.

André Schäffer – Day of birth: 07. February 1985 / Contact: mail@andre-schaeffer.ch
Very early in my life I came into contact with photography. It must have been my father who sparked my interest in artistic work. We went on excursions to take pictures and developed the negatives in our darkroom. As if by miracle forms, figures and sceneries, which we had seen through the viewfinder before, now started to grow in the chemicals to a new and immobile „reality“.
During the successive years I got involved with image processing. I noticed that photography combined with electronic editing provides a large diversity of possibilities to visualise questions, emotions or opinions. By means of my works I try to invite the viewers to take a plunge into another, to him maybe unknown world; I want to provoke, demonstrate and to challenge long existing structures.
At the end of June 2023, the Lucerne Gazette wrote a small report about my work as a professional drone pilot. In addition to general questions about drone regulation, it was also about drone flying itself etc. In addition to drone flying, Filmlikeabird, resp. André Schäffer, also with art, which was also briefly mentioned in the article. Click here for the article in PDF format: https://issuu.com/anzeiger-luzern/docs/20230627_lzm_anzeiger_luzern
On May 10, 2022 an interview was published about my photo series „BIPOLAR“ and my approach in general. Unfortunately, the ad is only available in German. Here is the newspaper article photographed. And here is the online post.
Some article in the luzerner and zuger newspaper about my photographs. You will find the Article here. It’s only available in german.
Onlinebeitrag Luzerner Zeitung:https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/kultur/unheimlich-und-faszinierend-ein-luzerner-fotografiert-verlassene-orte-ld.1177393
Video portrait:
For the current exhibition in the well-known clinic „clinique la prairie“ I created a short artist portrait + thoughts on the exhibition theme/concept.
Polaroid SX-70 / Polaroid SX-70 Sonar / Polaroid Supercolour 635 CL
Nikon D800E / Nikon D200 / Nikon F90X
2 x SB 900
AF Nikkor 24-120mm, 1:3.5-5.6D
Sigma 10-20mm, 1:4-5.6 DC
AF-S Micro Nikkor 105mm, 1:2.8G ED
AF-Nikkor 80-200mm 2,8D ED
Online plattforms:
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